When leaks begin to occur at the garden hose spigot, there can be several distinct causes depending on where the water is leaking. The first thing you need to do is to determine the source of the leak on the spigot.
The source of leaks can come from the grip, the vacuum breaker, or even the vacuum breaker cap. You’ll have to identify the sort of spigot you have to understand how to fix the spigot.
Fix Garden Hose Spigot Handle
If leaks are coming from around the spigot handle, the first thing to do is to tighten up the retaining screw to find out if this fixes the garden hose spigot. After tightening the retaining screw in the event the water is still leaking out from around the handle, then the problem might be the washer assembly on the faucet stem.
Removing the stem requires the ideal tools, in addition to a replacement washer assembly. The period of the stem can fluctuate from several inches to several feet. Use care when removing the stem from the spigot to not bend or break it.
Vacuum Break Garden Hose Repair

A vacuum breaker is an added piece that screws onto the spigot. Most older houses have these since they simply screw onto the existing spigot to prevent water from back-flowing into the spigot pipe. If water is spraying out of around the vacuum breaker, then it means that it is worn out and needs to be replaced.
Replacing a vacuum breaker can be a little challenging. You want to use a drill to drill out the set screw and also to unscrew the vacuum breaker. You must be careful to avoid drilling into the faucet component of this spigot.
The very best way to fix a lawn hose spigot with a vacuum breaker is to simply replace it with a new one. Finding gaskets and other parts can be difficult.
Frost-Proof Spigot Repair
Particular designs of frost-proof spigots will have a vacuum breaker cap instead of a vacuum breaker. Most newer houses in locations where it frosts will have this form of the spigot.
If water is coming out of the cover of the vacuum breaker cap, then you can try to pop the breaker off the cap and unscrew the vacuum breaker retainer. If the components have gunk on them, then wash them and reassemble. When water is still leaking, then you want to replace the retainer components. Otherwise, you’ll have to replace the whole spigot assembly.
Cracked Garden Hose Spigot
Another source of water leaks is if the spigot cracks along its seam. With this kind of water leak, you will have to change out the spigot. You’ll need to shut the water off to the spigot before replacing and removing it.