Urinals – Maintenace, Repair, Replacement

Private and public restrooms are essential to the infrastructure of any city, serving as critical facilities in parks, shopping centers, transportation hubs, and more. Among the fixtures in these restrooms, urinals play a significant role in managing the flow of patrons and ensuring hygiene. At Root-Rooter, we understand the importance of maintaining these fixtures to ensure they are always in top working condition. This article will explore the critical aspects of urinal maintenance, repair, and replacement.

Maintenance of Urinals

Regular maintenance of urinals is essential for ensuring their longevity and functionality. Here are some key aspects of maintenance:

1. Daily Cleaning

roto rooter plumbing urinal services

Daily cleaning is the cornerstone of maintaining public urinals. This process involves:

  • Surface Cleaning: Using disinfectants to clean the urinal surfaces, including the bowl, handle, and surrounding areas, to prevent the spread of bacteria and unpleasant odors.
  • Drain Cleaning: Ensuring that the drains are clear of debris and buildup, which can lead to clogs and overflow issues.
  • Flushing Systems: Checking that automatic or manual flushing systems are operational to prevent urine from sitting in the bowl, which can cause staining and odor.

2. Routine Inspections

Routine inspections help identify potential issues before they become significant problems. These inspections should include:

  • Checking for Leaks: Inspecting all connections and seals to ensure there are no leaks that could lead to water damage or increased water bills.
  • Assessing Water Pressure: Hire a plumber to ensure the water pressure is adequate for proper flushing, which is crucial for maintaining hygiene.
  • Examining Flush Valves: Checking the flush valves for wear and tear, which can affect their performance over time.

3. Preventive Maintenance

Preventive maintenance involves taking steps to avoid common issues that can affect public urinals. This includes:

  • Descaling: Regularly descaling the urinals to prevent mineral buildup that can obstruct water flow and damage the fixture.
  • Seal Replacement: Have a plumber periodically replace seals and gaskets to prevent leaks and ensure the urinal remains securely attached to the plumbing system.
  • Sensor Calibration: For automatic urinals, ensuring that the sensors are correctly calibrated to detect usage and activate the flush mechanism appropriately.

Repair of Urinals

Despite regular maintenance, public urinals can still encounter issues that require repair. Here are some common problems and how they are addressed:

1. Clogs and Blockages

Clogs are a frequent issue in public urinals, often caused by debris, mineral buildup, or improper usage. To address clogs:

  • Plunging: Using a plunger to dislodge minor blockages.
  • Augering: Employing a plumber to auger or snake to break up and remove more stubborn clogs.
  • Chemical Cleaners: Using specialized chemical cleaners to dissolve mineral deposits and organic matter causing the blockage.

2. Leaks

Leaks can occur in various parts of the urinal system, including the bowl, pipes, and seals. To repair leaks:

  • Seal Replacement: Replacing worn or damaged seals and gaskets to restore a watertight connection.
  • Pipe Repair: Fixing or replacing damaged pipes that are causing leaks.
  • Bowl Repair: Addressing cracks or damage in the urinal bowl itself, which may require sealing or, in severe cases, replacement.

3. Flush Mechanism Issues

Problems with the flush mechanism can lead to inadequate flushing, continuous running, or no flushing at all. To fix these issues:

  • Valve Replacement: Replacing worn or damaged flush valves that are not operating correctly.
  • Sensor Adjustment: For automatic urinals, adjusting or replacing faulty sensors to ensure they trigger the flush appropriately.
  • Handle Repair: For manual flush urinals, repairing or replacing broken handles or mechanisms to restore functionality.

4. Odor Problems

Odor issues can arise from inadequate flushing, clogs, or insufficient cleaning. To tackle odor problems:

  • Enhanced Cleaning: Implementing a more rigorous cleaning schedule to ensure all surfaces and drains are thoroughly disinfected.
  • Ventilation Improvement: Ensuring that the restroom has adequate ventilation to remove unpleasant smells and maintain air quality.
  • Drain Maintenance: Regularly cleaning and maintaining drains to prevent the buildup of odor-causing bacteria and debris.

Replacement of Urinals

Over time, even with the best maintenance and repair efforts, public urinals may need to be replaced. Here are some factors to consider when replacing urinals:

1. Assessing the Need for Replacement

Determining when to replace a urinal involves evaluating several factors:

  • Age: Older urinals may have outdated designs and materials that are less efficient and harder to maintain.
  • Condition: Urinals with significant wear and tear, damage, or persistent problems may be more cost-effective to replace than continually repair.
  • Hygiene: Upgrading to modern, more hygienic designs can improve sanitation and user satisfaction.

2. Choosing the Right Urinal

When selecting a new urinal, consider the following:

  • Material: Choose durable materials such as vitreous china or stainless steel, which are resistant to stains and damage.
  • Design: Opt for designs that are easy to clean and maintain, with features such as anti-splash surfaces and efficient flushing mechanisms.
  • Water Efficiency: Look for water-efficient models that use less water per flush, helping to reduce water consumption and costs.

3. Installation Process

Replacing a urinal involves several steps:

  • Removing the Old Urinal: Carefully disconnecting and removing the old fixture without damaging the surrounding plumbing or walls.
  • Preparing the Site: Ensuring that the installation site is clean, properly sealed, and ready for the new urinal.
  • Installing the New Urinal: Following the manufacturer’s instructions to install the new urinal, ensuring all connections are secure and leak-free.
  • Testing and Inspection: Thoroughly testing the new urinal to ensure it is functioning correctly and inspecting for any leaks or issues.

4. Ensuring Compliance

When replacing urinals, it is essential to comply with all relevant building codes and regulations. This includes:

  • Accessibility Standards: Ensuring that the new urinal meets ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) standards for accessibility.
  • Plumbing Codes: Adhering to local plumbing codes regarding installation, water usage, and waste management.
  • Environmental Regulations: Considering environmental regulations that may impact water efficiency and material choices.


At Root-Rooter, we understand the critical role that urinals play in maintaining the hygiene and functionality of public restrooms. Through regular maintenance, timely repairs, and thoughtful replacement, we ensure that these essential fixtures remain in top condition. By following best practices in cleaning, inspecting, and upgrading urinals, we help create a cleaner, more efficient, and user-friendly restroom experience for everyone. Whether it’s routine maintenance, addressing urgent repairs, or installing new urinals, Root-Rooter is committed to providing top-notch service and expertise to keep public restrooms running smoothly.