Sump Pump Repair & Installation Services
If you have a high electric bill, your water pump may have to be continually running to maintain water pressure in your home. This can become very costly quickly. Schedule an appointment for a water pump repair service today.
Sump pumps are fairly low maintenance, however, they still require some maintenance, replacement, or repair over time to ensure they keep working properly and do the job they are intended for. The most common sump pump problems include wrong-sized sump pump, recirculation problems, sump pump overwork, a faulty float switch, power failure, and improper sump pump installation.
Sump Pump Services For Residential And Commercial Properties.
Roto-Rooter CA plumbing professionals can help diagnose and find solutions for your sump pump problems. Whether you need sump pump repair services, sump pump maintenance, or sump pump installation for your residential or commercial property, our licensed plumbers can help you out at any moment, with 24-hour services that cover all your possible plumbing problems.
We offer free estimates on most services and excellent customer service. Not in vain Roto-Rooter has been the most trusted plumbing company across the country for more than 80 years. Trust the pros and watch your problems go down the drain.
Sump Pump Installation: Different Options Depending On Your Property Needs And Intended Functionality.

Recirculation Pump
How long do you have to wait until your faucet gives you hot water? Depending on the size of your home, you may wait for a few minutes for hot water. Not only is this inconvenient, but wastes a large amount of water.
Here’s a better picture of how much water is wasted by waiting for hot water. Let’s assume you have a generic showerhead that emits 2.1 gallons per minute (GPM) and it takes one full minute for hot water to arrive. That’s 2.1 gallons of water wasted per shower. Now, assuming you shower every day, multiply that by 365—now you’re up to 766.5 gallons annually per person. Multiply that by 10 and that’s 9,125 gallons wasted, per person, over a decade.
The solution: Hot water recirculation
A hot water recirculation pump is a device that cuts wait times for hot water from minutes to a few seconds. It does this through a process that consists of two simultaneous actions:
- Standing water in the hot water line is sent back to the water heater. This occurs by either a separate piping return or the cold-water line, depending on how the pump is installed.
- Hot water is drawn directly from the water heater to the fixture in use. When the water reaches the fixture in use, a temperature-controlled switch prompts the pump to turn off.
By performing this dual process, a hot water recirculation pump can deliver near-instant hot water, saving thousands of gallons of water per year and allowing you to save on your water bill.
With the substantial amount of water they save, recirculation pumps represent a clear solution to the problem of wait times for hot water. If this solution were adopted on a wide scale, the total savings would be incredibly significant. In an age when water is becoming increasingly scarce, every home should have a hot water recirculation pump.
Full Recirculating Pump System
With this option, an additional pipe that is designated for hot water is installed in your home’s plumbing. This system creates a loop from the water heater to the faucet and back again. The unused hot water is drawn back through this loop by the pump, so when you turn on your hot water faucets, you get hot water quickly. Water is not left in the pipes to get cold and you waste less water because you don’t have to wait.
The majority of pumps are designed with sensors and timers to allow for perfect timing of hot water. The sensor shuts the pump off once hot water has made a complete loop while the timer allows you to control when the pump is active. You can set it to shut off while you’re at work, at night while you sleep, or when you’re out of town on vacation. If your current pump does not have these features, a Roto-Rooter plumbing technician can help you add them to your system.
Water Booster Pump
A water booster pump increases the pressure and volume of water that flows from your faucet or showerhead. Low water levels and pressure can make simple tasks like bathing, washing your hands, or brushing your teeth a hassle. A booster pump may be the perfect solution for your home. A booster pump increases water pressure to improve the flow through your pipes. It works just like a fan, using an impeller that spins to increase water flow and pressure.
Lift Station: A Low Cost Solution To Low Water Pressure
Sewage or Wastewater lift stations, also called pump stations, are used for pumping sewage or wastewater from a lower to a higher elevation, particularly where the elevation of the source is not sufficient for gravity flow and/or when the use of gravity conveyance will result in excessive plumbing excavation and higher construction costs.
A wastewater pump station may be used due to economics or to overcome inadequate hydraulic heads when no other solution is practical. For instance, it may be more economical to utilize a sewage pump station to pump or lift the sewage over a ridge and let it flow by gravity to a sewage treatment plant or to pump or lift sewage to pass through a sewage system by gravity.
Submersible Type Lift Station
The submersible type lift station is used for low flow, low head type installations. There are two types of submersible pumps available for this application, grinder pumps and solids handling pumps.
A properly designed and installed wet well is essential for efficient and trouble-free operation of the water pump inlet screen or lift station. The purpose of a wet well is to provide a means of allowing automatic operation of the lift station. Use of the wet well for any other purpose, such as a storage reservoir for sewage, is not recommended. The wet well should be as small as possible to minimize the detention time of the sewage.
The advantages of submersible sump pump stations are that they typically cost less than dry-well stations and operate with less frequent pump maintenance. Submersible lift or pump stations do not usually include large above-ground structures and can be built to blend in with their surrounding environment.
Well Pump
If you need to install a water well pump, or if your old one needs to be replaced, Roto-Rooter is the place to turn to. We have the resources to handle a variety of well pump problems and will work to provide a solution to your plumbing problem that perfectly meets the needs of your home’s foundation.
At Roto-Rooter, we guarantee all of our parts and workmanship. You can count on us for quality of work and quality of customer service. We have the resources to accomplish water well pump installation or repairs at reasonable prices.
Signs You May Need to Install or Replace Your Water Well Pump
Well-pumps, like most plumbing, are out of sight and out of mind – that is until something goes wrong. Depending on your problem, you may need to replace your well pump and install a new one.
Symptoms of problems with your water well pump include:
- Dirty water
- Abnormal noises
- Air “Spitting” from the faucet
- High electric bill
If you have a high electric bill, your water pump may have to be continually running to maintain water pressure in your home. This can become very costly quickly. If this is the case, schedule an appointment with Roto-Rooter today.
Commercial Sump Pump Repair
Sump pumps will resolve most basement flooding and leaking issues as they are designed to remove water from basements and crawlspaces. A sump pump is a submersible pump that sits in the bottom of a sump pit and is typically installed at the lowest point in your cellar or crawl space. Groundwater surrounding your building’s foundation is channeled to a perimeter drain system installed at the base of the foundation. Water finds its way into the perforated drainpipes and is rapidly diverted to the sump pit.
The sump pump, which is triggered using a float switch, removes the water by pumping it into the nearest storm drain, dry well, or detention pond. A sump pump turns on only when the water within the thoracic cavity reaches a pre-determined level. Most new buildings are equipped with sump pumps but the older buildings can be retrofitted using a full sump pump replacement system to prevent flooding and reduce basement flooding.
Sump pumps can be hardwired into the building’s electric system or be plugged into an outlet. Many sump pumps are equipped with a battery backup to ensure that the pump will work, even when the electricity is out, such as during a severe storm when it’s especially significant that water has been pumped from your building.
Test Your Sump Pump Regularly
To ensure proper function when the next huge downpour or heavy rainfall occurs, test your sump pump frequently by pouring a bucket of water into the front pedestal sump pump pit. The pump should turn on, remove the water from the pit, and shut itself off in a matter of minutes. Make sure that the float and the check valve proceed freely.
Sump Pump Maintenance
To clean your sump pit, remove any dirt, sand, gravel, and other debris to increase the water pump’s efficiency and extend its lifetime. Make sure that the release line opening is free of large debris or obstructions so that water can be pumped through the line and from your basement or crawlspace.
Like all equipment with moving parts, sump pumps will wear out with time and will have to be replaced. There’s not any general rule on how frequently a sump pump ought to be replaced, because it is dependent upon how frequently the submersible sump pump operates.
Consider a Battery Backup
If your building encounters a power outage outside for an extended period, regular electricity outages or if your primary sump pump fails, a battery backup sump pump or among several water-powered backup systems (that use your building’s water supply pressure to remove water in the sump pit) can protect your whole basement floor from water damage. A Roto-Rooter plumber can provide several backup options.